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ChinaCNCzone Additional Warranty Policy

ChinaCNCzone Additional Warranty Policy

ChinaCNCzone 2016-10-19 12:06:05
ChinaCNCzone is one of the most reliable and professional mini CNC machine and mini CO2 laser engraving machine factories and suppliers in China now.

Firstly, we must express our congratulations for the customers and users who select ChinaCNCzone directly, because once you bought ANY product from ChinaCNCzone, your quality and warranty are assured. 

Secondly, we have to say sincerely SORRY for those who bought machine from other channels but can not get any after-sale service. Now so many china trade companies and factories copy and sell ChinaCNCZone products, some of the functions are exaggerated, some of the made materials are poor, and some of the prices are a little cheaper, but when users meet any quality or using issues, customers can not get any after-sale service, especially for our HOT sale models such as HY-3040, HY-6040 and CNC 6040 mini CNC machines.

Recently, we received so many complaint and after-sales support request from users not bought from ChinaCNCzone, 
and for those cases, ChinaCNCzone team really would like to help, but some failed, and some could not, because the machine quality and functions are different with ours. So ChinaCNCzone released its addtional WARRANTY POLICY as below

1.For the mini CNC routers not bought from ChinaCNCzone and the Agents of ChinaCNCzone, we can not provide any technical support any more

2.If the product bought from our agent, when contact us, please provide our agents’ contact information and your bought ID number. And the most efficient way is contacting our agent and tells them the issue directly, for most of the technical support, our official agent can handle it locally for you very fastly.

And kind note for customers and buyers: If you plan to buy a mini CNC router, price is not always the first consideration for you, but after-sale service and quality assurance really should be considered.

ChinaCNCzone is a professional mini CNC router, hobby CNC router, desktop CNC router and educational CNC router manufacturer and supplier, the high quality products and the professional technical support always there for you.