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What are the New Features for Mach4 CNC Software?

What are the New Features for Mach4 CNC Software?

ChinaCNCzone 2017-07-05 10:39:35
Compared with Mach3 CNC Software, Mach4 CNC Software is new.What are new?
Today, let ChinaCNCzone team share with you as below:

1,Mach4 Motion

Mach4 can control CNC machinery(include mini CNC machinery), PLC equipment, and robotics. The core is a full featured ‘brain’ that ensures all input and output devices are coordinated with motion.

– All Motion control calculated in the core = less dependence on hardware and associated software driver.

– Motion Device Drivers (Plug Ins) have standard format = common level of functionality between components, less complexity, easier and less costly to troubleshoot and support.

2.Motion Control at the Core:

All motion control calculations are completed in the core. Mach4’s core adapts to the speed (frequency) of the motion controllers attached. Mach3 software relied on the hardware plug-in software and complex buffering schemes to ensure accuracy and coordinated motion. This redesign has several advantages:

– Up to 100x faster response from button click to machine action.

Machine hold or speed changes happen as quickly as GUI buttons are selected on the screen.
– Improved Backlash Control & more accurate screw mapping = less jitter and more accurate cuts

Higher quality manual pulse generator (MPG) = very smooth jogging and positioning without lag time.

3.Some New Features

– Type C (Fanuc) cutter compensation standard in Mach4.
More accurate tool path compensation for different size tools
Improved Anti-gouging
– Synchronous Motion of up to 6 completely separate coordinate systems (instances) at the same time.
Multiple heads, machines and processes to produce complex parts.
– Asynchronous Motion (out of band axis) to control uncoordinated motion.
Pre-change tool changers
Robotic Loaders
Torch height manual compensation control
– Multi-Axis Work Shifts and Head shifts to offset cutting tool path for multiple work piece holders and fixtures.- Remote Control of machinery (IPC)
Control or track CNC equipment from a remote location
Greatly expanded troubleshooting
Track the operation of equipment
Link information between other computer applications
Excel, etc…
– New Dynamic tool path display
View, rotate, pan, and scale the tool path quickly and easily to ensure G-code is creating the path you expect.
– Improved screen layout and easily customizable screen modification tool.
Change buttons, displays, and indicators easily, quickly, and on the fly!

Now ChinaCNCzone can supply mach4 hobby version hobby CNC router, its models such as MACH4 Hobby CNC 6040 router and Mach4 hobby CNC 6090 router.
If you are interested, please kindly contact with service team.

ChinaCNCzone, to be your best mini CNC router, fiber laser marking machine and CO2 laser engraving machine supplier.

For more details for Mach4  CNC software, please kindly refer to mach4 software official website: